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Последна промяна: 15.12.2009 22:32

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Мили Дядо Коледа, понеже днес целият ми ден премина в четене на писма, адресирани до теб, реших и аз да ти драсна няколко реда. Всъщност добре че бяха тези детски писма да ме накарат да се усмихна, защото иначе щях да гледам сивото мрачно небе през прозореца и да се чудя откъде да намеря толкова много боя, за да го боядисам в по-светъл и жизнерадостен цвят. Няма нищо по-хубаво от това да погледнeш на деня и света през очите на дете. Изведнъж разбираш колко малко е нужно понякога, за да бъдеш добър или да направиш някого щастлив. Или да го накараш да се усмихне. Та, мили Дядо Коледа, не е нужно да ти гледам на ръка, за да ти предскажа, че голям труд те чака и тази година, за да изпълниш всички желания на децата, така че затягай колана до последната дупка. Строявай джуджетата като малки оловни войници, стига са купонясвали вече и да започват скоростно във фабриката да произвеждат трансформърси, нинджи, робокопи и други разни умалени копия на филмови герои, някои от които аз лично не съм гледала на широк екран, но се надявам ти да не си пропуснал нито един блогбастър, за да си в час. Снежанка и тя да спира с модните дефилета и да не се ослушва, ами да започва да шие рокли за кукли Барби и костюми за Бугимен, Спайдермен, Хитмен и разни други мен, на които първата част от звучното име ми убягва. Да знаеш, че едно детенце си е поръчало и дрехи за хамстерите, ама не знам дали е изпратило точни мерки на бюст, талия и ханш на питомците си. То, като се замисля и моят заек Мишел е голичък, ама карай, вече е свикнал да е нудист. Обаче Дядо Коледа ще ти издам още една тайна: най-голям хит сред децата тази година е да си пожелават лунен пясък, та май ще ти се наложи да отскочиш до Луната и ти след Нийл Армстронг. Аз да си призная честно досега бях чувала само за лунната походка на Майкъл Джексън, което ме накара да достигна до прозрението, че май съм пораснала повече, отколкото си мислех. И въпреки това Дядо Коледа, чудех се дали все пак не би могъл да изпълниш и някое мое желание? Редом с това на всички деца по света, все може да ти остане минутка за един комин повече. Както казва едно малко момиченце „Уверявам те, мили Дядо Коледа, че още вярвам в теб”. Е, истина е, че когато бях невръстно хлапе ти се казваше Дядо Мраз. А после изведнъж и теб те тресна възродителен процес и взеха, че те преименуваха. Ама пък най-интересното е, че вкъщи продължавахте да идвате и двамата старци – единият на 25 декември, другият на 31 декември. И досега е така. Затова за мен вие сте нещо като астрални близнаци (да не кажа, че имаш/те раздвоение на личността, че ще вземеш/те да се обидиш/те, ама така де, според медицината това е определението за човек, чието тяло е обитавано от няколко личности, ама те пък психиатрите какво ли разбират от дядовоколедови и дядовомразови неща?!). Така, че се надявам някой от вас двамата да обърне все пак внимание и на моето писмо, защото не съм ви писала мнооого отдавна. Дядо Коледа ( разбирай Мраз), знам, че като отвориш плика първото, което ще се зачудиш е дали съм си изяждала всичко през тази година. Ами няма смисъл да те лъжа. То и да те излъжа, ти от дете си ме знаеш, че съм злояда. Но пък погледни го от друга страна, Дядо Коледа – това показва, че от малка съм била с шедро сърце, щом винаги съм дарявала поне десерта си на другарчетата. И това, че съм пораснала мъничко не означава, че съм се променила, така че и през тази година продължих да споделям чинията си с хората около мен. Под това, разбирай, че не съм си изяждала всичко. Но пък имаше и за бедомните кучета и котки, както и за птичките. Сигурно се питаш и дали съм слушала тази година. Да те лъжа ли, да не те ли лъжа...Ама какво да те лъжа, като съвсем ти е ясно, че поне от 3-годишна съм със собствено мнение за нещата от живота. Ама погледни го от друга страна, дядо Коледа – това показва, че от малка съм искала да откривам истините сама, вместо някой да ми ги показва, за да не бъда като глупака, който гледал как мъдрецът сочел към звездите и виждал само пръст. И това, че съм пораснала мъничко не означава, че съм се променила, така че и през тази година не бях от най-послушните, защото смятам, че безусловното послушание е за тези, които нямат други качества. Защото можеш да разчиташ на чара си около 15 минути, след това е по-добре да знаеш нещо. Какво ли си казваш...дали съм учила добре тази година. Е, аз училище завърших с отличен, ама чак пък да те лъжа и че съм отличничка в живота...Продължавам понякога да греша в училището на живота. Но пък погледнато от друга страна, Дядо Коледа, това показва, че продължавам да вървя по пътя си, без да се страхувам, защото силата не е в това никога да не паднеш, а да се изправиш всеки път, когато паднеш. И все пак през тази година научих някои неща, които май отдавна трябваше да съм научила.. Научих, че без значение колко те е грижа, на някои хора просто  не им пука. Научих, че можеш да продължиш напред дълго, след като си решил, че повече не можеш. Научих, че животът ти може да бъде променен за часове, от хора, които дори не познаваш. Научих, че е трудно да определиш къде да се тегли чертата, между това да бъдеш добър и да не нараниш чувствата на хората и това да защитаваш това, в което вярваш. Мили Дядо Коледа, май четейки писмото ми, ще си помислиш, че не се нареждам сред децата, които заслужават подаръци тази година. Но уверявам те също, че никак, ама никак не съм лоша и ти за толкова години трябва да си го разбрал Защото няма как да си пропуснал всички онези мигове, в които съм се опитвала да бъда по-добра от себе си. Затова, Дядо Коледа  единственото, което си пожелавам от теб е една усмивка. Просто някой да ме накара да се усмихна в празничната нощ, така както аз се опитвам да накарам хората да се усмихнат, когато имат нужда само от една усмивка.



Тагове:   дядо,   момиче,   писмо,   едно,


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Main article: The expulsions of Poles during Smashing Conflict II made at hand the Germans.
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I am going to show you some great [url=http://amandaholdennude1.typepad.com]amanda holden nude[/url] so be ready and stay putting.

Here I have one picture with her while she is feeding her child. Oh you're going to love this one because what can be better than seeing at least one of [url=http://clynesokuka.livejournal.com]megan fox sex tape[/url], right? We will talk about details a bit later because I have right now this story that perfectly fits with that photo so you might want to hear it.

Anyway, I went out to a local grocery to by some food, my car was out of gas so I walked. On my way back I have decided to go through the park because I love it very much. Then I got call on my cell and it was my brother and he reminded me about the game that I supposed to be on. Yeah, we play golf and he told me that I need to be on the field in 6 o'clock. I said "see you at the game" and then hang up.

Then, all of the sudden I realized that it was nearly six so I took my cell out to see what time it is but my battery died. I saw a woman seating on the bench with her back to me so came from behind and said "Excuse me, could you tell me what time is it?" But when she turned I was shocked seeing that she was breast feeding her baby so she went like "Pervert" and I was like "Oh damn, excuse me I didn't know" Pretty awkward and stupid, right... but surely funny.

Those people that have watched Xena at least once, or just were born in New Zealand should appreciate all these pics of [url=http://teilloolyl.livejournal.com]rose byrne nude[/url] that I got right here. The other younger generation won't be able to understand that I geuss.

Man, I haven't stopped loving her and being curious about her life even since Xena series were closed. This hot woman from Auckland, New Zealand has rocked about a billion men or something and she still is popular as well. Just imagine for a second how many people are trying to find [url=http://lethiaipeli.livejournal.com]tila tequila hot[/url] on the web every day. Yeah, there are plenty of those people. You probably searched them too so congratulations my friend as you have found a pretty good source today. We have a lot of photos of her and you will be shocked about it.

Lucky is very tall woman because she is 5'10. When her series were on I have noticed that she has gorgeous long legs and that's why I couldn't take me eye from them. Even now I have this problem however I don't count myself as a leg fetish.

Now here is a photo of the day. She stands in her black leather jacket on the street and wearing nothing but panties and high heels. She spreads a bit two sides of that jacket out and thus giving us a perfect view on half of her tits. You won't be able to see her nipples there but you can imagine them.

You know, when I saw Watchmen, I thought it was her playing there naked but as soon as I watched again [url=http://doexeny.livejournal.com]sonam kapoor hot[/url] I have noticed a lot of differences between that woman who was acting there and her. Xena has got smaller tits I guess.

I don't think that you need to start watching all those pics until you know what it cost me to get them. No, of course I am not talking about the money. No man, money not problem and I would rather pay three times bigger than their original cost than have been through with what I have today. So what really happened? Do you want to know? Ok then, here it goes.

I woke up today early in the morning to see if I could find some [url=http://kainohu.livejournal.com]demi moore sex[/url] and then share them with you along with this review. But it turns out that my internet connection was disabled due to that my account was empty. I wanted to call them first immediately to ask for some loan until tomorrow but my phone was off too because a week ago I was speaking with Australian (I have my girl there) for about two hours straight. The only thing left to do was I going in my garage to drive at their office to pay but I had no gas at all as there was a leak. So I took my bake and it took me half an hour to get there. After sweating like a runner, I finally got my internet back but then I realized that I will have to drive back on my bike all the way home.

My favorite actress today is on my review and all of you should welcome her pretty nicely. There is no man on this planet that hasn't tried or at least he thought about watching [url=http://elizabethberkleynude1.typepad.com]elizabeth berkley nude[/url], right fellows? That people should understand what I mean.

From that picture you can see her in the middle of the street standing in lingerie and wearing that black jacket. Her shoulders are bare and that's what makes us feel so much excitement in the air when we look at her. She reminds me some kind of prostitute that was threw out on the street after having some nice sex.

The whole thing was probably like this however I am joking. Anyway, she seems to had sex last night with some guy who lives in those buildings and that threw her out. I mean that's what this picture tells us how it was although there are many other options. So this poor [url=http://morrisjolux.livejournal.com]mila kunis naked[/url] was sort of kicked out for doing something wrong like stilling that dude's money or whatever. And by the way, maybe he is some kind of rude pervert and that's why he did that. Well, all I can say that this situation depends on how you look at it.

Anyhow, there is another sexy photo of here where she is on that leather couch wearing nothing but sexy panties and some nice leather top that emphasizes her tits area. This photo deserves pretty much of our attention so let's go jerking off on it right after the end of this review.

When I was a kind I wanted to see [url=http://hebnermyfur.livejournal.com]zooey deschanel nude[/url] and now my dream has come true.

"I used my imagination to make the grass whatever color I wanted it to be."- said [url=http://marisatomeinude1.typepad.com]marisa tomei nude[/url]. You might want to say something like "So what? Phh, this is the worst quote I have ever heard" but you shouldn't do that as this is so not true. Just imagine what she said. This is just a perfect way to train your imagination and some other senses like your eye sight and other things. Think about imagining [url=http://wilmervahaf.livejournal.com]emma stone naked[/url] at any time you want. Oh yeah, you wouldn't even need all those photos of her that I have on this website, trust me. But I don't think you can do that as it takes a lot to reach that kind of success. Changing your perception and seeing those things that the rest people just can't is pretty tough. But who said this is going to be easy? I guess now you can look at the green grass near your house and start changing that color in your imagination.

For your dessert I have saved something pretty sweet and that would be my advice to ya'll. Don't forget to wipe carefully after your masturbation because you are risking with your reputation. You don't want to get in that kind of embarrassing situation when your parents or friends find something that looks like sperm, do you? It will be pretty uncomfortable situation. Anyway, I'll see you when I find some other hot celebrity like [url=http://meganfoxsexvideo.typepad.com]megan fox sex video[/url].

If you were looking for [url=http://rihannapussy.typepad.com]rihanna pussy[/url] all across the web but still haven't found anything that would suit you then this website will fulfill that emptiness deep inside your heart. You are going to love this, believe me, especially if there are many fans of [url=http://jessabellipu.livejournal.com]jessica simpson hot[/url] among you. Oh, yeah, they will be just delighted from such pics and some of them will even make your dreams come true. You know how it is hard to get something that looks not real. For example, you might think right now about having her in the dog style. Well, I have a few of those fakes photos by the way right here. So I don't know why we should wait... Let's do this quick.

This is some kind of tradition I think. I mean here I have another celebrity quote and this time it is from [url=http://roselynsancheznude1.typepad.com]roselyn sanchez nude[/url]. "Treat everyone the same until you find out they're an idiot." I just want to know what you think about that one. Is it right what she says? I guess it is because all she was trying to say was that we should be more patient to each other regardless of anything. If you don't want to talk with person that you don't like much then just give him a chance. Treat everybody the same. By the word same I guess you should treat all people same well and not bad.

Here is what I think on this count. If you want people treating with you well and with all respect, do that the same for them first and you will get it back eventually. And right now, let's start watching all those photos of [url=http://oliviawildehot.typepad.com]olivia wilde hot[/url] that you can see on this website. But be aware of that most of them are fake ones.

She is my queen and no one else's so don't put an eye on her if you are not me. Just kidding fellows, don't take that too close to your heart as you might get old pretty fast. This woman is so wild and it reminds me this wild female stallion that lives deep in woods. Anyhow, I would like to talk about her sexuality by expressing my feelings on what I can see from these [url=http://selenagomezhot.typepad.com]selena gomez hot[/url]. You might want to help with that and I wouldn't mind at all. Let's get going already.

Her breast looks pretty big while I was watching her topless photos in Xena series. That's right there are a few scenes featuring her totally naked. Of course some major parts like her pussy and ass are covered as well as her nipples, but still you have a lot to look there. There is also this sexy scene featuring Xena coming out of a cake and all covered in whip creme. I was masturbating on that vide about ten times and I still cum like in about two minutes. This is so great, I love her.

Despite the fact that she is 42 I think if you look at [url=http://barrefaelinude.typepad.com]bar refaeli nude[/url] your first thought would be like this "wow, she is hot even at 35, cool." No, she is not 35, although I have to admit that she looks like she is.

To continue with, here I got the last quote for today and it is also by Xena. "I'm saving the world from vampire bats, ... It's very serious business" I was just amazed by those series of Xena and I couldn't stop watching them. I remember coming home from school and turning my tv right away. It was so damn nice to see her again and again. And when another episode would end, I was so sad about that I will have to wait for another one until tomorrow. I guess she had some very serious job in the whole world. She was entertaining us with that character and right now, all we have left is her naked photos.

That was a pretty short but quite interesting review, don't you think so? Oh, yeah. I loved it and I have masturbated on her pictures a few times for that post. You know how it happens... You are writing and then you're out of inspiration already so you need something quite spicy if you know what I mean. Anyway, this is goodbye I guess so let's say I'll see you tomorrow right here.
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